Not that I'm excited or anything. In the previous post I mentioned we were getting another ultrasound done last week. I thought we'd get to see a lot of him but it was so hard to tell what we were looking at. Apparently, though, he is quite chunky! We got a nice profile of his stomach (which closely resembles mine right now) and the tech pointed out a white lining on his stomach...his fat. She told us it was twice as thick as the average. I guess whatever I'm eating (which is pretty much any food lying around) he is really enjoying! We also got to see a little of his face and his cheeks are nice and chubby! They guessed his weight, at that point, to be just over 7lbs. Doesn't sound too bad until you remember I still have three weeks to go. Being the one who is carrying him around I think their estimate is right on or slightly under. =) I have another appointment today so we'll see if anything is going on!
This past Saturday we had our annual mother-in-laws side of the family get together. It's always a fun time. One of Dan's cousins has a very nice house on a lake. The day involves really good food and fun times in the water and out on the boat. I skipped water skiing this year. We also do any showers for the year so Dan and I and his cousin and his wife both had baby showers. We got some really nice stuff! Baby Thorpe should be very happy with his loot. I did go out for a boat ride and I told Dan's cousin that if the boat ride managed to induce labor we'd name the baby after him. So far nothing has happened. =)
We have a weekly meeting at work every Monday morning and at this mornings meeting I got presented with a big basket of baby gifts from the department. I was really surprised. We got some good stuff! It was really nice of them to do that. I mentioned in the last post that I was afraid I wouldn't have anything to do at work but they've definitely been keeping me busy. Actually, I have a lot of projects scheduled and everyone wants me to finish as much as I can before I leave. It should be a fast week at work.
No pics today. I'm hoping the next pics will be of the baby. =)
Stocking Stuffers for Teenage Boys
2 years ago