Tyler is napping in his crib now and last night he spent the night in his crib and did pretty well. Hopefully he will find out how much he loves his crib! He is two months old already. The first month was long but the second month went fast. He is smiling a lot...we are anxiously waiting for him to laugh. He has grown out of 0-3 month size. He had his two month appointment with the doctor and is average height, weight, and head size. He got four shots and didn't cry too much. He was a good boy. Now for some pictures!
He really likes this hat
His official two month picture
Tyler with his monkey rattle that daddy bought him
Giving his monkey a big hug
For Halloween Tyler was a lion. Roaaarrrr!!!
Tyler with his buddy Jude who was a pea in a pod (don't they look thrilled?)
Dan modeling the eyeball cookies I made
Stocking Stuffers for Teenage Boys
2 years ago