Our big news is that Tyler starting walking! It was Tuesday evening when he decided to stand up and just start going. It was crazy! He's done it a couple times since then but not as many steps as that one time. Pretty soon he'll be running all over the house! It's a mixed blessing for sure.
And onto pictures!
Tyler really loved this couch at his cousins (good thing it's going on his Christmas list!)
Ariana was very insistant that we get a picture with her and Tyler
Dan, Tyler, and Evan in the background
Aunt Megan with Owen
Tyler was pretty bored with petting zoo at the pumpkin patch
The rabbits put a smile on his face though (or maybe it was watching his cousins chase them around)
David and Marisa with Owen, Brandon, Evan, and Ariana
"What are these funny looking things?"
"Maybe Evan knows what they are."
"I don't know what it is so I'll just put it in my mouth."
Evan and his pumpkin
A family pic!