I thought I should probably post Halloween pictures before Thanksgiving rolls around. We didn't actually go anywhere for Halloween so I just took pictures of him in his costume outside. He didn't seem to mind the costume. He has started waving and clapping, although he refuses to do it when asked. He tends to wave at the cats mostly. He and I have both been sick for the last couple of weeks but he seems to be doing much better. Wish I could say the same! This weekend Tyler and Dan will have a day of bonding while I get a day of shopping with a friend. I'm excited!
Tyler was a bandana wearing horse

He decided to climb in with his clean laundry

Wearing his snowmen jammies

He really likes to suck his thumb

Some videos....here he is clapping
Requested by my mom, a video of him walking. Sorry it's sideways, I could not figure out how to rotate it!