Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I forgot to add something!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This one's for Lissa
One day I went and got Tyler up from his nap and I placed him on his floor so he could wake up. I left and when I came back to check on him he was asleep on the floor which has never happened. I of course had to take a picture. I guess he wasn't ready to get up!

Over the weekend Dan and Tyler went out to play in the snow. If you remember, last year when we took Tyler out in the snow he cried. This year he walked around in it but didn't like to get his hands wet. They made a snowman who melted later that day. We had a really warm weekend.
Yesterday the MOMS Club toured a fire station. I thought it was a lot of fun! It took Tyler a bit to warm up to the trucks but once he did I was able to get a picture of him in the jump seat.
And finally, some videos showing why we'll be getting Tyler a big boy bed after the holidays.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
A new trick of his is getting out of the crib. He climbs out very quietly and we usually don't know he's out until we see him (he'll also open his door and leave his room). This is funny and sad to me. I really don't want to get rid of the crib. The first time he did it he found Dan and I in the kitchen and had this proud look on his face. I had to turn away because I was laughing. Unfortunately, he had been in his crib for a timeout so back he went...
I found a lion costume for him on Craigslist because he likes lions and roaring. However, he wouldn't go near the darn thing but he did let me take some pictures with a promise that I would take it off of him as soon as I was done. We did nothing for Halloween this year. I have a feeling we did the same thing last year.
ROAR! Doesn't he look fierce?
Here is Lisle using Libby as his personal pillow
Yesterday I heard Tyler running back and forth from his room to the living room. After a few trips I decided to investigate. This is what I found. I'm not sure if Tyler was giving them to Lisle or if he thought Lisle needed some company from the Little People during his nap. Lisle is a mean cat so I'm surprised he tolerated this.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A lot of vacation pictures!
It was right at the base of the Table Rock Lake Dam.
Going for a walk around the development where our condo was. Branson is very hilly and there are many gorgeous views of the wooded hills.
We went for a walk along Table Rock Lake. There was a really nice trail that had a few different points of interest along it. Here is Dan and Tyler on the trail. The blue you can see through the trees is the lake.
Enjoying the view of the lake
One day we went to the World's Largest Toy Museum
I think the most exciting thing we did was the Dixie Stampede. It is so hard to describe so I'm going to copy and paste the description from their website: It’s the only place that brings together stunning performers, amazing horse feats, fantastic stunt riders, magic and audience participation with a delicious four-course dinner extravaganza for one amazing price! It was SO much fun and even Tyler got into it. I wish I could've taken pictures but it wasn't allowed. I would recommend it to anyone going to Branson! I did take a picture of the outside of the building though.
Another day we went to the Butterfly and Rainforest Palace
Before we saw the butterflies we watched a 3D movie about them. Here is Tyler stylin' his 3D glasses.
Tyler got to help release a butterfly that was born that day!
A couple butterflies
A water feature in downtown Branson. There is a large outdoor shopping mall that is really nice to walk around.
On our last day we went to this scenic overlook. Those buildings in the picture (in the foreground) are actually the condos we stayed in. You can't see our building though.
Here is the view from the patio of our condo
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Wedding Pictures
Monday, October 06, 2008
I apologize for the wait
Here is the birthday boy!

He didn't like the animals eating out of his hand so he decided to just toss the food pellets at the goats.
Tyler and mommy
Two weekends ago I was in Michigan for Carrie's (friend from college) wedding. The weather was absolutely gorgeous that weekend and the wedding itself was beautiful. It was nice to see her and our other friend Kelly. I'm so excited for Carrie and her husband Dave! Unfortunately, I didn't get any good pictures of Carrie. I will have to wait until Kelly returns to Georgia and can e-mail them to me. I did get a picture of me, Kelly, and the groom Dave though.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Tyler!
August 29th, 2006
Six Months (sitting up for the first time and a nice deer in the headlights expression)
One year, looking like such a big boy
Today, at two years old
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Busy busy busy
Last weekend I drove to Michigan for a bridal shower. I did not have a problem driving seven peaceful hours in the car by myself. I had so much fun in Michigan. Carrie's family treated me like one of their own. I'm very excited about driving out in a month for the wedding!
Here is Tyler petting a calf at the fair
Enjoying a corndog. We also had a funnel cake with strawberries on top and some cotton candy.
Boppa, Uncle Brad, and Tyler putting the wagon together
Enjoying his wagon ride
Family picture! Boppa, Uncle Brad, Megan, and Tyler
I didn't get many pics at the zoo but I thought this was a great way for the lioness to welcome us. Great visual for the word "sprawling"
Me and Carrie!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We have carpet!
Oh, and if you're wondering, the carpet is a Berber with an indented square pattern in it.
Before, the main room
After, complete with toddler and cat
The back room before