Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyler!

I can't believe you're two already! This past year has been a lot of fun, I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you!

August 29th, 2006

Six Months (sitting up for the first time and a nice deer in the headlights expression)

One year, looking like such a big boy

18 Months, chilling in Florida with your shaggy hair

Today, at two years old

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Busy busy busy

Two weekends ago we were very busy doing fun things with Boppa and Uncle Brad who came out for a visit. Saturday we went to the State Fair and on Sunday we went to the zoo. Tyler didn't seem overly excited about either of our adventures. We also have some pictures of Tyler with his birthday present from Nana, Boppa, and Uncle Brad. They got him a wagon. We have already used it for trips to the park and around the block. It was easier for me to pull than pushing the stroller.

Last weekend I drove to Michigan for a bridal shower. I did not have a problem driving seven peaceful hours in the car by myself. I had so much fun in Michigan. Carrie's family treated me like one of their own. I'm very excited about driving out in a month for the wedding!

Here is Tyler petting a calf at the fair

Enjoying a corndog. We also had a funnel cake with strawberries on top and some cotton candy.

Boppa, Uncle Brad, and Tyler putting the wagon together

Enjoying his wagon ride

Family picture! Boppa, Uncle Brad, Megan, and Tyler

I didn't get many pics at the zoo but I thought this was a great way for the lioness to welcome us. Great visual for the word "sprawling"

Me and Carrie!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We have carpet!

The carpet in the basement was installed yesterday. I really like how it turned out. I think it looks more like a finished space than just a room in the basement. Also what you can't really see in the picture is that Dan put on a fresh coat of white paint. The previous white was really dingy and dirty in some spots. That really helped too. Someday it would be nice to put in a drop ceiling (drywall would be even better!) but that's not in the budget right now.

Oh, and if you're wondering, the carpet is a Berber with an indented square pattern in it.

Before, the main room

After, complete with toddler and cat

The back room before


Monday, August 11, 2008

Dancing Maching Part 2 and 3

If you're wondering why he is standing in this spot it is because Dan is down in the basement painting and Tyler is dancing to the music Dan is listening to while he paints.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Dancing machine

I wasn't able to upload this video with the last post yesterday. Today it works though! Here is Tyler dancing to a very catchy tune.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Good weekend

Last weekend we were in Minnesota visiting the family. Saturday Marisa and I got a day off and spent it well. We started by going out to lunch, then shopping, then to a benefit auction/dinner for a friend of Marisa's. All in all, I believe we were gone for 12 hours. It was exhausting but nice! Thanks to Dan, David, Grandma, and Grandpa for watching the kids. =)

Lots of stuff happening this month so hopefully I will keep on top of posting pictures. Up next, the state fair (as long as we remember the camera)!

If it's been a while since you've checked the blog, scroll down a bit because I've posted more frequently than usual lately!
Owen and Tyler

Evan, Brandon, Ariana, Tyler, and Owen. Everytime I snapped a picture at least one person wasn't looking. And it was a different person each time!

Ariana loves to have her picture taken. Especially when you'll let her see it on the screen after you've taken it.