I gotta do this quickly so there will be little text and many pictures! Tyler's speech therapy is going well. They are focusing on endings of words. I can see improvement each week. It's very encouraging.
I made these cookies last month. They are supposed to look like witches hats...can you tell? (it's a fudge striped cookie turned over, then a hershey's kiss placed on top-held in place by a dot of icing-then some orange icing around the base of the kiss)
Tyler enjoying a pile of leaves

We participated in the Heart Walk this year in honor of nephew Evan. It was a very cool rainy day. Luckily, we walked inside but only after Tyler got all wet and muddy. He thought the umbrella was really cool.

We also celebrated grandma and then grandpa's birthdays.

Tyler having fun on this scooter/car thing at a pumpkin patch.

Tyler helping me make some homemade crescent rolls. They turned out really yummy. He's quite the baster!