I understand that by living in Iowa I should not be surprised by snow in the winter. But this is getting ridiculous. Every time it snows it is large amounts and then followed by blowing. Things are constantly getting cancelled and Tyler and I are really getting a chance to "bond". Sometimes that's good, sometimes that's bad.
Being stuck inside has given me a renewed interest in his home preschooling (which got done for two weeks in September and then never again). We were back at it last week and we did a lesson on Noah. This involved filling a sink with water and testing objects from around the house to see if they would sink or float. The idea was to show how God told Noah how to build the ark just right so that it would float in the water. Well, Tyler absolutely loved this and it has now become something fun he can do on his own!

The other day we managed to get out to the library to see Clifford. If you remember from last year, we stood in a long line to see Clifford and Tyler got scared and did not want to touch him. Since then he has been scared of other characters and didn't even want daddy to touch Curious George at the zoo.
This time he was much different! I so wish I would've taken a picture of his face when Clifford came in the room. He sat up on his knees and pointed while his mouth hung open in excitement. Then we stood in line, again, but this time it ended much differently! It was so exciting to see him react this way.

Lisle has been doing funny things lately. Here he decided to climb into a bag of tissue paper to hang out. Can you find the cat in the bag?

And here is another picture of Lisle showing his cuddly side. I love how his arm is around Libby and then his head is buried into her. I also love Libby's look, like she's just putting up with this because she likes him.