Thursday, March 18, 2010

Catching up

Last month we toured a fire station with MOMS Club. Tyler was more into it this time than he was a year ago. Last year it wasn't until the end when he decided to finally climb up in the firetruck. This year I had to pull him off of every truck we saw. Here he is on one of the trucks.

We also took Tyler bowling for the first time. Daddy helped push the ball down each time. Tyler had fun and I look forward to taking him again. (If you look above Tyler's head you can see his green bowling ball almost at the pins)

This is blurry but it shows his first spare!

Today we had a MOMS Club activity at the grocery store. We learned about reading labels on food and then we made three kid friendly, healthy snacks. The first two involved vegetables, so I ate those. The last one involved a banana though so Tyler was willing to eat that! I should say that he did try the celery but didn't like it. He refused to touch the cucumber.

Here he is proudly showing off his banana caterpillar. (the banana was cut into pieces and then stuck back together with peanut butter. then we added pretzel sticks for legs and stuck two raisins on for eyes. You can also see the big glob of peanut butter we had leftover that we both licked up. we love our peanut butter!)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wanted to share

I've been seeing this post passed around the internet for a couple days now. I finally got around to reading it and I love it. What she says about happiness is so true. Please read it if you get a chance!