Thursday, November 03, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and Halloween

Tyler had a day off from school so Dan decided to also take the day off so we could head to the pumpkin patch and avoid the weekend crowds. There was hardly anyone there, it was nice! Unfortunately, we did pick the coldest, windiest day of the week to go. Oh well.

Here is Dan and Tyler jumping on the "pillow"

Tyler resting in the corn pool after many jumps in.

A benefit of having a five year old...he can take pictures! Now maybe Dan and I can start to appear in more pictures together. =)

Here is Nolan dress up like a horse for Halloween. He enjoyed watching out the door for trick or treaters.

Spiderman with his horse. =)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do they look alike?

Look at me! Updating the blog again! Nolan turned eight months on Monday. He is working on his second tooth right now. He loves to roll around. He will roll all over the family room. It's amazing how much ground he can cover. He loves sitting in your lap and getting to feel different textures like your clothes or the couch. He sits up pretty well, but still has a tendency to fall over backwards. He now takes baths in the bathtub like a big boy...mainly because I can't stand baby bathtubs. He likes splashing the water and playing with the bath toys.

If you look real hard, maybe you can see his first tooth on the bottom. The one right next to it is starting to poke through.

Here is his eight month picture. He's making a different face than he usually does. Not sure why.

And for comparison, here is Tyler's eight month picture.

Sunday, August 07, 2011


I am trying to figure out the best way to get videos from my phone into blogger. If this works this time, this is a video of Nolan watching Tyler play. He is very fascinated by Tyler!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Trying this out

Just seeing how easy it is to post to Blogger from my phone!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gosh, they're cute!

Nolan enjoying his book.

Sorry for the bright light, but I wanted to capture the way Nolan is so focused on Tyler. He is always looking around for Tyler and seems fascinated by him. It's so cute.

Tyler was the one that thought of propping up the book for Nolan. Nolan really likes it and now I will do it for him. Tyler is such a great big brother!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The Boys

Tyler holding Nolan. Love Nolan's expression.

Rarely do we get pictures with me in them. Here we are enjoying the zoo. Nolan's first time there!

Nolan really loves it when people talk to him. He will smile at almost everyone.

Nolan showing his support for Iowa State.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We're back!

Things have been busy around here. In case you didn't hear, we had a baby. Nolan was born on December 8th. He is a very good baby. He likes it when you talk to him and he doesn't like it when you put him down and walk away. He has really been studying his hands lately. He seems quite fascinated by them. He is just starting to reach out towards toys and will sometimes get his hand wrapped around it. Sometimes he will's very cute.

Tyler is a great big brother. He loves to talk to Nolan and will try to entertain him if he's crying. He doesn't show any signs of jealousy and seems to really enjoy Nolan. I am enjoying this while it lasts. I'm not sure if Tyler understands that Nolan will become mobile at some point and will want to eat/play with/destroy Tyler's toys.

Tyler has been taking swimming lessons and is enjoying them so much that we signed him up for the next level of classes (granted, he did start with the youngest class). I really hope he continues to enjoy swimming and becomes even more comfortable with water. We have also signed him up for T-Ball this summer. We will have to see how that goes. He can be very shy/timid about trying things for the first time. I hope he will end up loving it and I'm sure his former-baseball-player-in-high-school-daddy hopes so too!

Our first family picture!

Nolan's one month picture.

Nolan at two months.

Nolan at three months (the kid will not smile for these pictures!)

Finally caught a smile on camera!

Saying goodbye to Aunt Holly and Uncle Johnny as they head off to their new adventures in Oregon!