Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I love Pioneer!

Dan won tickets to see Alison Krauss through his company! (sorry Carrie!!) Earlier we had decided to not spend the money on the concert even though we both wanted to see her. Not only will we get better seats than we could typically afford but we also get to enter through the V.I.P. entrance! I don't know what exactly that means but it sounds good!

The past two days the temperature was up to 90 (I put that in for Kelly) and now we're back down to 55 again. The Midwest is crazy!

The garage sale season is winding so I'm sure anything I buy from now until next season will seem expensive. Speaking of buying...the financial class at church is going really well. We'll see how well we stick to our budget this month. It's easier to stick to it when you go to class every week and are accountable to other people.

I took my two licensing exams Monday and Tuesday. They were really hard and I'm pretty sure I'll be taking them again. Now, at least, I have a better idea of how to study.

This weekend we're visiting Owen and the triplets (oh, and David and Marisa)! I'm excited to get some new pictures of me and Dan with all the kids using my new camera. Then, of course, I'll post them here for you to see!

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