Dan was driving on a county road on his way to work. He fell asleep (he had been working a second job which was third shift), crossed over to the left side, went into the ditch, drove what we estimate about 100 feet, then ran head on into a retaining wall for someone's driveway made out of railroad ties. He only woke up right before the wall and never had time to react. A couple guys stopped to help and at that time Dan's nose was hurting and bleeding all over the place. At first they thought he should stay in the car and not move but then smoke started coming into the car so they got him out. Soon after the car went up in flames. This was Dan's Pontiac...not our Toyota.
An ambulance came and took him to the hospital which is where I met up with him. He had blood all over his face and his nose wasn't looking so good (his nose/eyebrow area hit his steering wheel). They took x-rays of his nose and the jury is still out as of this moment whether it's broken or not. His nose and right eyelid were swollen and he has some other cuts and abrasions but that's the worst of it. We are so thankful he was wearing his seatbelt. If he hadn't been he for sure would've flown right into/through the windshield. I just can't thank God enough for all the things that "could've happened" but didn't. We are so fortunate.
Everyone we had to deal with (ER, police, auto insurance, the people whose retaining wall he busted into, etc...) were so nice, helpful, and understanding.
It was an exhausting day but we were surrounded by God's protection and love all day. Dan even went back to work the next day. Oh, and he quit his second job. =)
He is meeting with a nose doctor today to see what's actually wrong with his nose.
Believe it or not, other things have been going on as well! This past weekend was our Christmas production at church. It was awesome. I can't even describe it. Dan did a fabulous job as one of the rich men. I'm looking forward to buying the DVD. They held 8 performances and last I heard 5 were sold out.
Anyone done with their Christmas shopping yet? If you are that's just sick and wrong. You should learn to procrastinate. Call me for lessons. I did get three packages out today (hint hint Kelly and mom).
And now what everyone has been looking foward to. The pictures of the accident:
The retaining wall he hit. It was for someone's driveway. It is about 5 feet high.

His tracks are the ones on the left coming from the bottom of the picture. The tracks on the right are from the tow truck.

I drew in a black arrow at the top to show where Dan's tracks start (not to be confused with the tow trucks on the left side).

And now the car...

The inside of the front of the car

And finally the picture that really shows the damage from the fire

I am still looking for pictures of Dans injuries...where are those?
Yeah where are the pictures of his nose and eye?
I was not allowed to post those for public viewing
Why do you hate claymation?
I don't hate it...I'm afraid of it.
Please explain.
It's unnatural. Pieces of clay being positioned to make a movie? WEIRD
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