We made our way down to Des Moines on Saturday to pick out our pumpkins. My friend planted three pumpkin plants and they practically took over her yard. It's pretty crazy. She told me not to buy any pumpkins and to please come down and take some of theirs! Being new parents we of course had to take plenty of pictures of Tyler. On Friday Dan took the day off and we went to Ledges, a nearby park. Dan had to snap a few pics of me and Tyler enjoying the fall weather. It was a gorgeous day and the trees were beautiful! I love fall!
Tyler and I enjoying the wildflowers

At the pumpkin patch. A friend of ours made the pumpkin hat for Tyler.

That was pretty fast update for you!!! Way to go!! Keep up the good work!!!
Love the hat and the kid!!!
Hi Megan,
Lissa passed along your blog at my request...this little boy will be half-grown before I get to meet him! What a beautiful guy...and Mom and Dad are looking pretty good too! (Not to mention that young grandmother Marsha in the previous post!) Congratulations...and enjoy parenting. I'm looking forward to running into your mom and gushing grandmotherliness with her :)!! It's the best. Neila
I've heard he is getting big...any more updated photos:)
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