I keep forgetting to post pictures from Dan's kayaking adventure for his birthday. He went with two friends and fell in twice (his friends did not fall in). Luckily, one of his friends had his camera with him and captured the whole adventure!
Dan with his friend Mike

A nest and its owner
I think this picture speaks for itself

His other friend Tony

Tyler is getting big, but he looks great. He has changed so much since we were there in Feb. Watch out, theres no looking back once he starts crawling! Enjoy it!
So my mom told me that when I go visit her in K City, I"m only like 2 1/2 hours from you guys? Is this true? If so the next time I go, we should meet up!
Yahoo maps says 2 hrs, 55 min. Very doable!! I may be going in
We need some new Tyler pics!!
you always seem to post that the day I sit down to do it.
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