His birthday party went really well. We had absolutely beautiful weather so we put all the tables out on the deck (it holds more people than our house anyway). The kids ran around and played while Dan helped Tyler open gifts and then we dived into the cakes. If you don't know the background on the train cake, here it is: The train cake Tyler had was baked in the exact same cake pan that Dan's mom baked Dan's train cake for his first birthday! You will see a picture of Dan's birthday to see what I'm talking about. Anyway, once Tyler started eating the cake he seemed to enjoy it. He really didn't get too messy. It was a good party and Tyler is enjoying playing with all his gifts!
First, the trip to Indiana!
Uncle Brad and Tyler playing
Tyler with his friend Emma
Grandma holding Tyler
Megan's friend Kristin, with her daughter Audrey, came to visit us! We're so glad they didn't get the flu from us!
Nana and Boppa with Tyler
Birthday pics!!
Dan's first birthday with his train cake

Tyler with his train cake
The RR Crossing cake I made to go with it
Tyler opening presents (notice how the kids gather round for that?)
Surrounded by gifts (also looking like he's having a serious conversation with dad)
"Hmmm...I'm not too sure about this cake stuff"
"I'll just take a little taste"
"Hey! It's not too bad!"
Practicing his walking with daddy
Love the pictures! Seeing the train cake brought back a lot of memories when I made the cake and Dan was that small. They grow so fast.
So cute!!
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