Last Sunday at church someone from the nursery had to come find us because Tyler had thrown up. We only got in about 10 mins of worship before needing to leave. He then had a high fever all Sunday and all Sunday night. Then Monday morning the fever was gone but we were left with an extremely cranky child. I'm wondering now if he has teeth coming in. I haven't felt anything poking through but I hope this crying/screaming at the drop of a hat thing doesn't last long. If it is teeth I pray all the rest are coming in at the same time so we don't have to go through this again. The dramatics involved in such simple tasks such as eating or picking up toys remind me of teenage girl drama. Not that I would know anything about that. I was a calm and collected teenager (anyone believe that?).
No news on the house search. We're going again tomorrow. I estimate we've looked at 20-30 houses. When we bought our current house I think we looked at 5. It's amazing how precise your "want" list can be when you've already experienced living in a house.
Last Thursday afternoon Tyler's friend Emma came over. When Tyler was six months old (and Emma around 3 months) this is what they looked like:

And now (I tried putting Tyler's arm around her but she didn't like it):
Tyler likes to show off his piano skills to the ladies (although in this picture he seems to be eating his fingers instead)

Tyler with his sad face (probably because we said, "No, you may not put Lisle in the toilet" or something else mean like that). Note the droopy cheeks.

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