Sunday, January 18, 2009

Maybe we should have given a lesson?

We never really went through with Tyler how to sleep in his bed. We just placed him in it one night and figured he would stay that way. I went in the other day to get him up from his nap and this is how he was sleeping. He must be one wild sleeper. (and yes, when I saw him I said, "don't move! Let mommy get the camera!")

I'd also like to report on his speech. He started speech therapy in December and the therapist and I had to come up with a 6 month goal. The goal is for Tyler to use phrases. Today he decided to start with the first two! He said, "banana please" and "bye Lisle." He is repeating after us but he would normally just repeat banana and then repeat please. But today he put the two together! It was exciting for me.

1 comment:

The Simms Family said...

Great job Tyler. Keep up the good work!