Friday, February 06, 2009

Yay for warmer weather!

Not much going on in the Thorpe family right now. That's not a complaint, sometimes it's nice not to be busy. Tyler and I are looking forward to warmer weather so we can go outside more. He doesn't seem to be excited about the snow so we haven't had many trips outside this winter. I continue to enjoy my MOMS Club which gives me options of activities for us each month. It's a great way to get to know what's in your city.

Alright, time for some random pictures from the camera!

Here is Tyler catching up on the grocery ads

Tyler helped me make some banana oatmeal cookies (found here They were incredibly yummy. He refused to have his picture taken with the cookies but I caught him off to the side.

There is a gymnastics school nearby that has open play time for toddlers. It's a lot of fun and Tyler enjoys running around. We met his friend Emma there.

Yesterday we went to the library to meet Clifford. We were late and had to sit in the back. We stood in line to meet Clifford. When we got to the front Tyler cried and refused to touch Clifford or to stand near him for a picture. At least I expected he would do that. It was fun to just get out of the house.

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