Friday, May 08, 2009

Baking and the park!

Not to be confused with baking IN the park. Tyler is really into helping me bake. It's actually gotten to the point that whenever I bring out a mixing bowl he starts saying, "help? help?" The other day we made these awesome Banana Crumb Muffins.

Tyler and I have been enjoying the gorgeous weather we've been having. I love temps in the high 60's and low 70's. In fact, I'm not sure why I even live in the Midwest. I don't like hot weather and I don't like cold weather (I like snow though!). Anyway, back to the point. We have been going on a lot of walks. Our walks take forever because Tyler wants to touch/pick up/throw/pull/smash everything he sees. We have a playground about a half mile away from us that we go to sometimes. I actually remembered my camera the last time and I took A LOT of pictures! Just for you guys!

In this picture he is chasing a bird. You can see the bird in the grass right above his outstretched hand. He gets really excited when he sees a bird and always tries to run after and catch them. He has not caught one yet. =)

Blowing bubbles (we take the wagon to the playground and load it up with toys)

Here is the playset. Last year he wouldn't climb up the rungs like that.

Last year he would gingerly walk down the bridge, then crawl up the other side (it moves). This time he ran right across! Freaked me out a bit!

Then he climbs up to the big slide

And heads down the slide!

There is a large open grassy area at the playground. I encourage lots of running and ball kicking. This usually makes for a good nap. =) He's actually very good at kicking the ball, running after it, and then kicking it again. (I try to play with him but he won't let me)

He loves swinging on the big boy swings now

I love spring blooms!

On to random cat pictures. This red cube holds some of Tyler's toys. It gets emptied everyday by Tyler so I guess Lisle decided to take advantage of it for a nap.

All the kids stretched across the couch

1 comment:

The Simms Family said...

Happy Mothers Day! Tyler looks so much older! Of course, I don't see him on a regular basis, but I've noticed a change with these pictures. Gotta love the park! We go almost every day it doesn't rain...which isn't too often these days. The banana muffins look yummy.