Wednesday, November 23, 2005

17 people for dinner? sure we can do it!

Last night was the Thanksgiving dinner with the international people. We ended up with 17 people total. It was a tight fit in the kitchen but it worked. We assembled a buffet line and we had tons of food. We had turkey, veggies with dip, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, greenbean casserole, stuffing, two pumpkin pies, and one apple pie. Plus, the couple from Russia brought Russian chocolates which I couldn't eat but they looked good! The cleanup wasn't too bad at then end of the night either. Thank goodness for the dishwasher!

Tomorrow morning we will be heading to Rochester for Thanksgiving. We're coming back on Friday evening. I'm looking forward to seeing my niece and nephews and getting a lot of pictures of them to post for everyone. =) I'm also looking forward to stuffing myself silly with yummy food.

Some sad news. I have 8 bosses at work and this morning one of them passed away. He developed some health problems a couple months ago and hadn't been in to work since. A couple Fridays ago our department went to his house to rake up his leaves. He came out to thank us and even though he was much thinner he seemed well. We got word on Monday that he was being moved into a Hospice so even though he wasn't doing well I really didn't expect him to pass away so soon. I worked with him a lot on projects and even though he smelled of strong coffee I did enjoy his humor. =) My thoughts are with his family and the upcoming holidays. He leaves a wife, children, and grandchildren. I am hoping to make it to his funeral on Saturday.

Sorry to end on such a sad note. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Witches are scary!

Anyone else looking forward to Thanksgiving a.k.a eat-a-lot-of-food-until-you-pass-out-day? I am! Our bible study is cooking a Thanksgiving meal for some international students on campus. I'm looking forward to sharing our holiday with them and telling them about Thanksgiving. It's nice to finally have a home that we can open up to other people.

Dan's schedule for the Christmas program is really picking up. I'm looking forward to seeing it this year. Cornerstone just goes all out for their productions. I'm sure we'll be buying it on DVD if anyone wants to borrow it. =)

Last Saturday two bible study groups got together and played a friendly game of football. On Monday, when I saw a few people who played, we all complained about how sore we still were. Either it's a sign of aging, a sign we're not in shape, or both! I'm proud to say the team I was on won 2-1. I did have to sit out towards the end because my toenail ripped and started bleeding. ewww. Who knew that could happen during a football game?

Dan and I hit the clearance aisle at Target for some Halloween decorations. Lucky us, we found a costume for a small dog and decided it would be perfect for Lisle. Below is a picture of Lisle and you can tell from his expression that he just loves the costume. The next picture is me, my friend Amanda, and my other friend's son Carter. We're watching the football game from the sidelines. =)