Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Tyler turned three years old today! It seems like he just turned two! We've had a nice day celebrating with family. He was really good at blowing out his candles and opening his gifts. I am planning on posting pictures soon!

Happy Birthday to my big boy!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wildlife Refuge

Did you know that this Saturday my little baby turns 3? 3! He has already entered the 3 year old stage by throwing temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. Surely there is more to 3 than that! We will be celebrating his birthday a couple different times with different families. I decided to not have a "friends" party this year but I doubt I'll be able to get away with that next year. I also have no themes for his birthday. I'm really being quite lazy about the whole thing! I am hoping to make a cake at some point and if it turns out as spectacular as I hope it will, I will post pictures! For now, here are some random pictures of our latest adventures.

A carousel ride at a local neighborhood festival.

Every year we have a family get together at a lake. If you remember, last year Tyler did not like the water as seen here:

This year he had much more fun splashing around with Dan!

On Sunday we took advantage of the perfect weather and went to the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge for the first time. It was a great day for a walk along the native prairie plants. Unfortunately, I took a wrong turn and we walked the 2-mile trail instead of the half-mile trail. We were pretty excited to see the end of the trail, it was a long walk. Tyler did really well though!

Dan and Tyler walking along the trail. Look how tall the flowers/grasses are!

Checking out some flowers along the trail

Some views from the walk

I really like the architecture of the building and how they made it fit into the prairie landscape.

We saw a Bison and an Elk roaming around. I added arrows so you could see them in the photo. We were pretty far away.



Me and Tyler taking a break

The best part about 2 miles worth of pavement? Racing! (isn't Toddler running so cute?)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Dan told me I needed to update the blog. I aim to please, so here I am! I really thought I would have a ton of pictures to share, but I don't. I am feeling overwhelmed by my schedule. You should see our August calendar, it's crazy. In fact, the rest of the year is looking very busy. Not sure how that happened. The summer, however, has been very fun! I think Tyler is at a fun age where we can go out and do stuff and he actually enjoys it. Also, the weather has been awesome so we are getting out more than I think we might if it had been more humid. I am not a humid weather kind of gal.
It doesn't look like Tyler will be going to preschool this year. He has to be potty trained and it just isn't happening. He really likes peeing in the potty and wearing big boy underwear, but he doesn't seem to know when he has to pee. If he doesn't go to preschool it will not be the end of the world since he would've been a "young" three.

Can you believe he is going to be three soon?? I can't believe it. He is good at counting and letters right now. It's fun to see how fast he picks up on things.

His speech therapy is still going. When he turns three we will start seeing a new therapist who will specifically work on his articulation. He had an articulation assessment done and it showed that he leaves off the ending of words and tends to replace them with an "s" or "sh" sound. He also leaves out the middle of words. Leaving out the middle is normal up until age 4 but leaving off the ending should've been corrected by now (self corrected, that is). Anyway, none of that was a surprise to anyone but they needed to do it so that his next therapist will know exactly what to work with. Instead of working on particular letter sounds, they will work on getting the endings onto words and that will help him get a wider range of sounds. Even though he is improving, he is still a year behind. But improvement is good! His current speech and language pathologist said his speech should be fine by the time he gets to kindergarten. I hadn't had anyone give me a length of time before so I was surprised by what she said but I was also a little relieved because he seemed to move so slow. I guess that's normal! She said speech takes time. He said an exciting (exciting to me) phrase yesterday. He said, "my friend." This is a great phrase because it includes a pronoun!

Okay, now to the pictures! Cat pictures first! Here they are cuddling with a teddy bear. I'm amazed they let me put the bear on them and take a picture. hehe.

I never posted finished photos of the patio. It turned out great and it is so nice to have a place to sit! I moved the pool right next to the patio so I can put Tyler in the pool and then sit in the shade of the umbrella and read while he plays. I have a hard life!

We went to a bird show at the zoo. It was pretty cool. You may recognize the guy from tv. I'm pretty sure I've seen him on Letterman, or one of those late night shows.

Baby ducks! Aren't they all cute and fuzzy?!

A family photo!