Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's been awhile....

I'm finally updating the blog. You've probably been wondering where we've been. Things are going well with us. Over Thanksgiving Tyler starting reaching out and grabbing at toys. It's fun to see him look at a toy and then reach for it. We had something exciting happen tonight. We went to Target and while Dan was entertaining Tyler with a hippo puppet Tyler laughed! And he kept giggling! It was the most wonderful sound. We of course bought the hippo and I will spend all of tomorrow trying to get him to laugh. We have been trying to teach him to fall asleep without his pacifier and it's been rough. He does seem to be improving though. He continues to smile a lot and he loves it when people talk to him. He's also been making a lot of sounds and it's so cute. I'm looking forward to Tyler experiencing his first Christmas! And now, some pictures!

Daddy and Tyler hanging out

Tyler on election day

His 3 month picture

Cousin Owen holding Tyler

Mommy and Tyler

Dan, Megan, and Tyler with Tyler's Great-Grandpa Joe

Posing in his jammies

His adorable smile!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Two months old!

Tyler is napping in his crib now and last night he spent the night in his crib and did pretty well. Hopefully he will find out how much he loves his crib! He is two months old already. The first month was long but the second month went fast. He is smiling a lot...we are anxiously waiting for him to laugh. He has grown out of 0-3 month size. He had his two month appointment with the doctor and is average height, weight, and head size. He got four shots and didn't cry too much. He was a good boy. Now for some pictures!

He really likes this hat

His official two month picture

Tyler with his monkey rattle that daddy bought him

Giving his monkey a big hug

For Halloween Tyler was a lion. Roaaarrrr!!!

Tyler with his buddy Jude who was a pea in a pod (don't they look thrilled?)

Dan modeling the eyeball cookies I made

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pumpkin picking!

We made our way down to Des Moines on Saturday to pick out our pumpkins. My friend planted three pumpkin plants and they practically took over her yard. It's pretty crazy. She told me not to buy any pumpkins and to please come down and take some of theirs! Being new parents we of course had to take plenty of pictures of Tyler. On Friday Dan took the day off and we went to Ledges, a nearby park. Dan had to snap a few pics of me and Tyler enjoying the fall weather. It was a gorgeous day and the trees were beautiful! I love fall!

Tyler and I enjoying the wildflowers

At the pumpkin patch. A friend of ours made the pumpkin hat for Tyler.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

He's already a month old

Hard to believe but it's true. He is just starting to smile at us but he refuses to do it too much for the camera. We'll keep trying. He still doesn't like his crib but he loves sleeping in his swing. I can't understand why he won't sleep in his crib when right now he is draped across my lap sleeping. How is that comfortable? Soon we will be going pumpkin picking and I hope to get some cute pics from that. He has an adorable pumpkin hat that I am waiting to put on him! For now though, these pics will have to do.

Tyler lounging on the couch

His official one month old picture

A close up of his cute face

Tyler with Uncle Brad

Tyler with Grandma

He was all smiles for me this morning and I managed to capture this picture

Friday, September 08, 2006

I know what you all have been waiting for

lots and lots of text! and no pictures! Don't worry, I'm only kidding. Things are going well. Tyler has settled into a nice routine and is letting mommy and daddy get some sleep. He enjoys going on a walk every afternoon and he really hates getting his diaper changed. I have a lot of pics to share and hopefully my dial-up connection will allow me to share them.

An up close look at the hospital

With dad all ready to go home

In his crib sleeping

With Aunt Holly and her boyfriend

With Aunt Marisa and Cousin Owen. Owen was very excited to meet his Cousin Tyler!

With mom

With Dan's mom

He loves his swing!

He did not enjoy his first bath at home

Drying off

Dressed and ready to go!

Getting ready for his first stroller ride

Off we go!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Last Monday at work!

Not that I'm excited or anything. In the previous post I mentioned we were getting another ultrasound done last week. I thought we'd get to see a lot of him but it was so hard to tell what we were looking at. Apparently, though, he is quite chunky! We got a nice profile of his stomach (which closely resembles mine right now) and the tech pointed out a white lining on his stomach...his fat. She told us it was twice as thick as the average. I guess whatever I'm eating (which is pretty much any food lying around) he is really enjoying! We also got to see a little of his face and his cheeks are nice and chubby! They guessed his weight, at that point, to be just over 7lbs. Doesn't sound too bad until you remember I still have three weeks to go. Being the one who is carrying him around I think their estimate is right on or slightly under. =) I have another appointment today so we'll see if anything is going on!

This past Saturday we had our annual mother-in-laws side of the family get together. It's always a fun time. One of Dan's cousins has a very nice house on a lake. The day involves really good food and fun times in the water and out on the boat. I skipped water skiing this year. We also do any showers for the year so Dan and I and his cousin and his wife both had baby showers. We got some really nice stuff! Baby Thorpe should be very happy with his loot. I did go out for a boat ride and I told Dan's cousin that if the boat ride managed to induce labor we'd name the baby after him. So far nothing has happened. =)

We have a weekly meeting at work every Monday morning and at this mornings meeting I got presented with a big basket of baby gifts from the department. I was really surprised. We got some good stuff! It was really nice of them to do that. I mentioned in the last post that I was afraid I wouldn't have anything to do at work but they've definitely been keeping me busy. Actually, I have a lot of projects scheduled and everyone wants me to finish as much as I can before I leave. It should be a fast week at work.

No pics today. I'm hoping the next pics will be of the baby. =)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

36 weeks

Had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything looks good. I'm going to have an ultrasound next week because the doctor thinks he may be getting big. It will be interesting to see how he looks now. I bet quite a bit different than he did at 20 weeks!

People ask me if I'm getting excited. I can't say I'm feeling any excitement. More like anxiousness and lack of patience. I'm ready for him to arrive. I'm uncomfortable most of the time and frankly, I'm tired of being pregnant. It will be nice to finally meet this baby that keeps doing gymnastics inside of me.

Dan and I have our all day birthing class on Saturday. Hopefully I won't get overwhelmed by it.

I have 11.5 days of work left. Not that I'm counting. I'm already feeling the affect of it as projects start dropping off my schedule. I realize it's hard to schedule work for me but I'd rather not be bored for two weeks.

One of Dan's guy friends from college got married a couple weeks ago. Dan was an usher and he did a fabulous job. After the ceremony we got to go onto Iowa State's football field and take pictures (the bride has connections). It was pretty cool to be on the field.

Speaking of football, I saw that Purdue will be playing Ball State at Purdue this year. Should be a good game! (sarcasm) I also noticed Purdue is playing Hawaii at Hawaii over Thanksgiving. I'm thinking I should be there to support the Boilers!

Now, some pics.

Here we are at the wedding (Kelly, recognize the dress??)

The "gang" (I'm the big pink blob on the left)

The wedding party on the field (Dan is kneeling on the left next to the kid)

The guys (it's a little dark, Dan is third from left)

Monday, July 17, 2006

25 business days left

Not that I'm counting but I have 25 business days left until my last day of work. I handed in my resignation last Monday and have been sharing the news today with my co-workers. I'm relieved to finally get it out in the open. Most people don't get it right away and think I'm talking about maternity leave but then I say no, I'm not coming back EVER.

Baby Thorpe continues to move around a lot and bother me. I'm pretty much ready for him to make an appearance. I still have 7 weeks but at this point I feel like I've been pregnant forever. I don't even remember what it was like to not bump my belly into things or to not constantly spill food or drink on my shirt.

About a week ago was my shower. My mom was able to fly out for it and we had a good time. Since I'm not that big on cake the hostess made pies and they were fabulous. My apple has never tasted like that before.

Back during the week of July 4th Dan and I volunteered for the first ever National Special Olympics which were held in Ames. We were scorekeepers for bowling one afternoon. It was a lot of fun and I was amazed at the talent the athletes had. There was a lot of cheering and high fives going on. Over all it was a great experience and I'm hoping it won't be the last time I volunteer for Special Olympics.

And now...some pics!